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Find the latest USD/INR (INR=X) currency exchange rates, plus historical data, charts, relevant news and more.

Find the latest USD/INR (INR=X) currency exchange rates, plus historical data, charts, relevant news and more. Oct 22, 2020 Convert 1 US Dollar to Indian Rupee. Get live exchange rates, historical rates & charts for USD to INR with XE's free currency calculator. Get free real-time information on USD/INR quotes including USD/INR live chart. 4 days ago Find the latest currency exchange rate, historical data and news for (USDINR) at

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The gold prices used in this table and chart are supplied by FastMarkets. Where the gold price is presented in currencies other than the US dollar, it is converted into the local currency unit using the foreign exchange rate at the time (or as close to as possible).

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